محتويات برنامج Ecology, taxonomy and flora Program Specs

C1. Show the ability to employ and evaluate suitable experimental methods (both laboratory and fieldwork based) for the investigation of relevant areas of biology.
C2. a range of laboratory and fieldwork techniques of key importance in biology.
C3. examine safely in a scientific laboratory and in the field, with awareness of standard safety protocols; the ability to apply relevant numerical skills, in-cluding statistics to biological data; the ability to access bioscience infor-mation from a wide range of sources in order to maintain and enhance knowledge of the Biosciences and to communicate that information clearly in oral and written forms; assessing the merits of contrasting subject-specific theories, paradigms, concepts and principles; critically interpreting and evalu-ating experimental data and relevant literature, analysing and solving prob-lems, and decision-making; applying subject-specific knowledge and under-standing to address familiar and unfamiliar problems; the ability to plan, de-sign and execute an independent piece of research through a theoretical or practical project in environmental biology, including the production of the fi-nal report; taking personal responsibility for learning, and developing habits of reflection on that learning.
C4. dentifying, retrieving (including the use of online computer searches), sorting and exchanging information; abstracting and synthesising information, and developing a reasoned argument; written communication and verbal presentation; information technology (including spreadsheets, databases, word processing, email and WWW); interpersonal skills, including working.

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