اساليب تقييم برنامج Biotechnology B.Sc. Program Specification

Methods and rules of evaluation of students in rolled in the program :
Rating :
The exam is evaluated each courses at 100 degrees and distributed degrees scheduled as follows:
a. courses which did not include the part "practical"
Method of Assessment
learning outcomes assessed
Midterm exam & Semester work
Measure knowledge and understanding (a1 to a16), intellectual (b1 to b8), professional (c1 to c10) and general (d1 to d8) skills.
Final Oral Exam
10 %
Measure knowledge and understanding (a1 to a16), intellectual (b1 to b8), professional (c1 to c10) and general (d1 to d8) skills
Final Term Examination
Measure knowledge and understanding (a1 to a16) and intellectual (b1 to b8) skills
b. courses practical separate

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