اساليب تقييم برنامج Zoology B.Sc. Program Specification

A - Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs supervises on the implementation of the registration rules and procedures and prepare menus for each of the study groups, schedule, distribute students on academic advisors, processing cards courses for students which is about cards individual for each course as well as cards total for each student, that academic record data in accredited private records, and the completion of enrollment of students in the first week of the start of the semester.
B - Students may register early, after announcing the results of the end of the spring.
C - Take into account when you log decision student success in Prerequisite if any.
D - A student who was not able to register for compelling reasons approved by the Student Affairs Committee and approved by the College Board to register record late in the addi-tional period for registration (the second week).
E - Student selects one branch to research and essay from two specialized branches.

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